DailyHaiku - A Daily Shot Of Zen


Special Feature 1—Transitions

Seasonal Haiku and Haiga

by Linda Pilarski

— October 31, 2007 —

windswept leaves / whisper goodbye / to winter's bare branches --- by Linda Pilarski

frosty sunrise
solitary coyote
tracks a soaring hawk

sun glazed fields / lumbering combines / gather grain --- by Linda Pilarski

fissured branch
a clamp—chickadees
shatter seeds

blankets of frost / blushing leaves /seize the sun --- by Linda Pilarski

sloping snakes
garden hoses
drain before winter

a tangle of vines / limp leaves / shelter burgeoning squash

Linda Pilarski

Linda Pilarski

Linda Pilarski is a Professor in the Department of Oncology at the University of Alberta, and Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Nanotechnology. In addition to her passion for cancer research, she enjoys literature, archeology, hiking, and photography. Linda has (quite literally) traveled the world in search of perfect photos and perfect sunsets: her eye for the artistic side of nature has recently helped capture stunning images of Greece, Iceland, Antarctica, Egypt, and Peru. She also enjoys a good cup of loose tea.

Past Special Features

"What is a special feature?" you may ask. The DailyHaiku special features section is dedicated to innovative collections of haiku and related forms that work very well as a thematic unit, bring the reader a new perspective on the form, explore the seasonal nature of haiku, or push the bounds of haiku in novel directions. Special features will be posted throughout each year (usually as a surprise) and will also be included in the yearly print edition.