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October 31, 2007

Seasonal Haiku and Haiga

by Linda Pilarski

— October 31, 2007 —

windswept leaves / whisper goodbye / to winter's bare branches --- by Linda Pilarski

frosty sunrise
solitary coyote
tracks a soaring hawk

sun glazed fields / lumbering combines / gather grain --- by Linda Pilarski

fissured branch
a clamp—chickadees
shatter seeds

blankets of frost / blushing leaves /seize the sun --- by Linda Pilarski

sloping snakes
garden hoses
drain before winter

a tangle of vines / limp leaves / shelter burgeoning squash

Linda Pilarski

Linda Pilarski

Linda Pilarski is a Professor in the Department of Oncology at the University of Alberta, and Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Nanotechnology. In addition to her passion for cancer research, she enjoys literature, archeology, hiking, and photography. Linda has (quite literally) traveled the world in search of perfect photos and perfect sunsets: her eye for the artistic side of nature has recently helped capture stunning images of Greece, Iceland, Antarctica, Egypt, and Peru. She also enjoys a good cup of loose tea.

Linda Pilarski

February 18, 2008

old cemetery—
I stop to search for
a four-leaf clover

Richard Stevenson

February 16, 2008

leafless bush, alone
a season without need of
peacocks or feathers

Jadon Rempel

February 29, 2008

A blanket of clouds—
in the back seat of the car
my daughter, asleep

Temple Cone

May 14, 2008

by the river...
my rough dream drifts
towards the sea

Rita Odeh

May 17, 2008

turbulent sea—
the silence of a fish
on that rock

Rita Odeh

August 03, 2008

Romeo and Juliet—
the seat next to me
remains vacant

Rita Odeh

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