This site features haiku authored by several contributors. To keep this site fresh and alive, the contributing team at DailyHaiku changes every six months (more info here). Our current team is listed below in order of publication.
Angela Kublik is the editor of Her poetry has appeared in The Prairie Journal and FreeFall, and is forthcoming in Legacy. She lives in Edmonton, Alberta.
Sandra Mooney Ellerbeck continues to view the earth from many perspectives. Her poetry reflects a diverse spectrum: appearing in literary journals, magazines, anthologies, newspapers, greeting cards, cafes, visual art, songs, and radio. She teaches poetry and art workshops, and works as a library assistant. She created, coordinates, and hosts the Discovery Café in Edmonton, a philosophy café that also celebrates music and poetry. Her passion for haiku is in its ability to capture a present moment and preserve it, and in its nature and human-nature contrasts that create enchanting elements.
John Moore Williams is a poet, author of short fiction and wage slave. His poetry can be seen at KillPoet (, VenerealKittens (, in "Sein und Werden", and is forthcoming from Shampoo ( His fiction and book reviews can be found in Black Heart Magazine ( You can also visit him at
Nanci Pritchard's most recent projects include raising three daughters and completing her Master’s degree in Spanish at the University of Oregon. She has, since then, taken up her pen to write haiku, finding that its focus on common daily occurrences helps to keep her anchored in the present. Nanci's free time is spent sitting on her front porch, reading, writing and watching the seasons change as the world goes by.
Susan Sanchez-Barnett is from Baltimore, Maryland, USA. She is a 6th grade science teacher by day, history professor at night. She writes in two fields, poetry and history. Susan's poetry has been published in the Mainichi Daily News, White Lotus, SP Quill, Illuminating Shadows and more. Her PhD is in History of Native Americans and she writes also in that field. Susan is finding out she enjoys writing poetry a lot more than history lately!
Wendy Visser is a Cambridge, Ontario writer. Her haiku have been published in several Haiku Canada member anthologies, in the Sandburg-Livesay Award, Dark Lullaby, in three Herb Barrett Awards, Through the Spirea,1999, and Sweeping Leaves, 2000. The third, not yet published will contain three of Wendy's haiku; one of them an Honourable Mention. She was a major contributor to two haiku/short poetry chapbooks published by Craigleigh Press; In L.M.'s Garden, 2002 and Cloud Shine, launched in 2007. Wendy's full collection of poetry, Riding A Wooden Horse, Craigleigh Press won the 2006 WRAC (Waterloo Regional Arts Council) best book award.
Nicole Pakan is an active member of the Edmonton literary community. She is the co-editor of DailyHaiku, associate art editor for DailyHaiga, and has served on the board of directors of the Edmonton Poetry Festival. Nicole's first single-author chapbook Driftworks was released in 2012 from Leaf Press. Her work has also recently appeared in: Carousel, CV2, filling Station, The Prairie Journal, and Other Voices. She was the winner of the 2009 Edmonton CBC Poetry Faceoff, placing third nationally. Nicole lives with her literary co-conspirator Patrick M. Pilarski, a dozen fish and far too many plants. She may be contacted online at DailyHaiku; you can find more information on Nicole's recent work at:
Patrick M. Pilarski is the co-editor of DailyHaiku and associate poetry editor for DailyHaiga. His collection of haiku, tanka, haibun, and related forms, Huge Blue, was released in 2009 by Leaf Press, and he is the author of two chapbooks. Patrick's writing has appeared in journals and anthologies across North America, Europe, Australia, and Japan. Recent credits include The Fiddlehead, Modern Haiku, The Heron's Nest, Frogpond, contemporary haibun, and Take Five: Best Contemporary Tanka. He has served as Vice President for the League of Canadian Poets, and is a professor at the University of Alberta. Patrick may be contacted at DailyHaiku; more information on Patrick's work can be found online at
Editor photos by r. edwards photography.
Finley J. McDoggerson is the newest member of DailyHaiku's editorial team. When not eating socks and running in the ravine, he enjoys games of chase-me, playing with his ball, and chewing modern literature.
Michael Gravel, Past-Editor and Founder, DailyHaiku, is a writer based in Edmonton, Alberta. He's a founder and the frontman of Edmonton’s Raving Poets, and co-founder of The Roar Spoken Word Festival. He is a freelance writer, web designer, and professional presenter. In December 2007, his life was nearly ended by a pulmonary embolism. In response he authored the chapbook, The Fast Places (Red Nettle, 2008). He lives in a wee house with his wife, stepdaughter, and two incorrigible hounds. He lives to write, code, and spend time with his family.
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